Excessive and persistent worry/anxiety about various aspects of life such as everyday concerns, health, work, family, finances, and beyond. This worry is difficult to control and may be out of proportion to the actual threat often significantly interfering with daily life and functioning.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Excessive Worry
Persistent and excessive worry about a wide range of events or activities, often involving minor concerns such as health, finances, work, family, or everyday situations.
Difficulty Controlling Worry
Difficulty controlling the worry despite efforts to stop or reduce it.
Restlessness or Feeling On Edge
A sense of restlessness, feeling on edge, or being easily fatigued due to constant worry or anxiety.
Muscle Tension
Muscle tension, trembling, or feeling physically tense due to ongoing anxiety.
Difficulty Concentrating
Trouble focusing or feeling that the mind goes blank due to persistent worry.
Increased irritability or feeling easily agitated from persistent worry.
Physical Symptoms
Headaches, stomachaches, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, or nausea related to anxiety.
Sleep Disturbances
Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, or experiencing restless, unsatisfying sleep due to anxious thoughts.